Monday, November 7, 2011

Raynell Maxson - Rudy Huxtable

Adorable, sweet, and smart, Raynell Maxson reminded me of the young Rudy Huxtable in the Cosby Show. As Raynell talks to her brothers whom she had just met, she displays a respectful and delicate character. Although she can come out with some curses, she turns out to be an innocent character, just like Rudy Huxtable was in her time of the Cosby Show.

Lyons Maxson - Lonnie Rashid Lynn "Common"

I chose Lonnie Rashid Lynn, best knowned as "Common" to play the role of Lyons Maxson because in Fences, Lyons is an aspiring musician. Being that Common is also a musician, he would fit the role of Lyons, also because of the similarities in age. Physically, Common has facial hair, such as the beard and goatee, which fits the description of Lyons as he enters the scene in Fences. He is also the oldest son of Troy, who grew up without him most of his life. Common can act on the basis of having difficulties to survive with the help of his girlfriend, and always asking to borrow money from his father. He does pay him back, showing a somewhat responsible character.

Rose Maxson - Kimberly Elise


Rose Maxson is a loving wife who cared about her family. She goes through an emotional rollercoaster as she learns her husband, Troy, has been having affair and will be having a child with another woman. I chose Kimberly Elise to play the role of Rose Maxson because in the "Diary of a Mad Black Woman", she plays the role of a woman who loved her partner who was left to seek the support of her family. With such a dramatic story line, Kimberly would perfectly fit the role of Rose very well, with a weak spirit who ultimately ends up being stronger.

Gabriel Maxson - Isaach De Bankole

Isaach De Bankole can play the role of Gabriel Maxson. Gabriel is mentally ill due to injuries from the war. In Fences, he goes around preaching the bible, something Isaach's character would do. In his interview, Isaach mentions being a preacher. With Gabriel being the brother of Troy, I can picture Isaach De Bankole and Samuel L Jackson having a brotherly relationship, in which Isaach warns him of his tragic fate. He also possesses an accent, which I can imagine Gabriel having as well.

Cory Maxson - Tristan Wilds

In Fences, Cory is the youngest son of Troy. Tristan Wilds, young and handsome, can fit the description of Cory who, in the play, is still in school, with the desire to play football. He strives to be on his fathers good side, but ultimately fails because of the arrogance of his father, so he proves his independence by leaving home. Tristan Wilds can portray an emotional character with athletic skills, as like in 90210 and the Wire, two drama based shows. Additionally, in 90210, he plays as a high school star athlete as Dixon Wilson. He cares about his family, especially his mother who has been hurt by his father, and has been confrontational about the situation.

Jim Bono - Sidney Poiter

I chose Sidney Poiter to play the part of Bono, selecting the time he played in the 1990s, matching the age similarities to the character in Fences. His character reflects a man with words of wisdom, who gives advice to his best friend, Troy, and tries to stray him away from doing bad. He cares about Troy and his actions, and tries to stray him away from his bad actions, such as his affair. Bono practically portrays the angel on Troy’s shoulder, who is a close friend, trying to make him do good. I can picture Sidney Poiter having the role of this character. His accent can definitely match up to Bono’s speech.

Troy Maxson - Samuel L. Jackson

As soon as I read the character of Troy, one actor came to mind: Samuel L Jackson. Samuel L Jackson is an actor who usually plays a very serious character, and would also physically fit Troy’s character, with the exception of his weight. Troy is described as being larger. In Fences, Troy is the main character, with a very solemn attitude. His characters presence portrayed a tense and intimidating sense of atmosphere. Troy is a dominant character, who gets what he wants by intimidating others, claiming a significant figure. I can definitely picture Samuel L Jackson saying these lines: "Like you? Who the hell say I got to like you? Wanna stand up in my face and ask a damn fool ass question like that. Talk about liking somebody. Come here, boy, when I talk to you". Samuel L. Jackson has a deep voice that sounds very controlling, just as Troy's character displays.